What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  
From an appearance perspective, the nicest piece of equipment I have owned was a JBL SA-660 integrated amplifier.  It was an amazing example of beautiful industrial design.  Wish I still had it.
The only piece of equipment I still own since I bought it new back around 1983 is my ENTEC Subwoofer. Having owned it that long should give you a hint how much I like it. 
Audio Research Ref 10. The most gorgeous sound. 

No longer own it. Heartbreaking.