Can an “audiophile” ever be satisfied with a system?

After I finally found a great used Woodsong Garrard 301, I was inspired to upgrade my entire system.
After 49 years of building up, am I finally off the merry-go-round??
Or are the improvements never-ending??
Now coming a new Triplanar tonearm, SRA platform for the 301 and Stillpoints for the preamp.
What’s left? New cartridge? New TV? Think the clearly endless quest is buying LPs!
Hope I am satisfied. Got a lot of great deals on new and used stuff but adding it all up puts me up to over $100K!
hilde45, I think the variety come with the genre of music not the equipment. Good enough? This concept is probably right. Once you are into the really expensive gear you evaluate it based on whatever criteria you have in mind. For instance the very best turntable which meets all of my criteria is the Dohmann Helix. For me there is no better turntable not that a better one is not possible. That would make the Helix "good enough." Once your entire system is "good enough" are you finished"
Yes, then NO, then sometimes, and back to Yes... Most of the time I'm a happy camper...


’So, I believe it all comes down to your mental state, rather than the quality of your equipment. If you’re bored you look for something new, whether it warrants it or not. In other words, you create a problem where there isn’t any. That’s the nature of “ audiophilia.” 

I would tend to agree.

One half, the fun half of the journey is discovering what you want, and then finding it. The other half is often a problem of obsession that’s self created.

’Comparison is the thief of joy’ (Teddy Roosevelt) is one troubling quote that I recently can’t quite get out of my head.

Is life really like that scene out of ’Oliver’ where Fagin trips and watches as the contents of his jewel box slowly disappear into the muddy waters?

All about getting, but never fully enjoying?

Might be worth remembering that most audiophiles already have systems far superior to what the other 99% of the world’s population are using.

Perhaps a satisfied audiophile is really a contradiction in terms? With so much to love about this hobby, perhaps it’s also a difficult question to fully answer.

If we ever do.
My system is "good enough" to listen to piano and symphonic mass....

In the last years i put all energy in my listenings experiments to improve the system.... Now i listen to music without making listenings experiments most of the times...

Sound erase itself for the music....

I can imagine that people without too much limit about money can afford to be a peculiar kind of audiophile.... I do not, my goal was to create a "good enough" audio system at very low cost.... I succeed....

With my "good enough" system i smile to new music, not so much to sound improvement now....

My cheap system is the best i ever listen to...I listen to Tannoy dual gold monitor and Magnepan, believe it or not, because they are well embed, and these others 2 were not, my modest Mission Cyrus speakers beats them....And none of my 6 headphones is better than  my speakers.... It was the contrary 2 years ago....

Embed everything before upgrading something..... 
