Professional Turntable Set Up in Kentucky?

Does anyone know of a professional set up person in driving distance of the Lexington KY area? Spoke with Brian Walsh not long ago but he's not going to be in this region anytime soon.  
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dweller I can understand why they don't.  I was terrified at first but once I watched a friend help set up mine I thought hell fire I can do this. Actually it was fun but time consuming.  Watched a Michael Fremer video but I don't have his tools and expertise of course plus now there are software packages that really dial everything in. For a few hundred dollars why not get the most out of your system.  
Guys, There are some people that are all thumbs and they know better than to start doing this stuff themselves. Some even have a tremor that prevents then from even trying. You spend $5K on a cartridge that can be broken is a heartbeat. Risking it is just not an option. 
"I purchased a VPI Classic"

I have a  Classic. What's the roadblock to you setting it up? There isn't much other than basic steps. The jig gets the cart positioned, a scale for tracking force, eyeball the cart level and use your ears for final touch.

I use the AT ART9 on mine. Easy install once you do it. Take your time, be mindful and don't  let audio nervosa take hold. 
Give the guy a break for Gods sakes!  I am also one of those guys who doesn’t trust himself to mount and align a new cartridge and I have been doing this for 50+ years.  The OP doesn’t need a lecture about doing it himself and who are you guys to tell him otherwise?  Just answer the question he asked.