Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.

And costs only a few grand vs soooo much more for a ref 6se preamp.  Benchmark LA4 Does HT bypass very easily.  
I am at a profound loss.  what the heck is going on inside the Ref 6se box.  What the heck does it all do? 
6se is very pretty but Benchmark LA4 also looks nice. And the McIntosh c1100 preamp is also very pretty.  Frankly, what justifies buying a preamp at such a high price?? It is supposed to be a neutral pass thru of a signal.
" Frankly, what justifies buying a preamp at such a high price?? It is supposed to be a neutral pass thru of a signal."

Are you expecting a different set of responses than you already received in your other thread?

The ARC has tubes, few more inputs and reputation. Some don't buy products looking for the most neutral or best measuring.
Yes, I understand about amps not part of the benchmark.

but, it remains totally unclear what is achieved within the arc 6se box. It’s a simple preamp.

There is value in a dac, in an amp, speakers and even an avr.  These are complex electronics devices with much going on inside.  I am getting more hard pressed to justify a $17k spend on a stereo preamp.  I would prefer to devote resources to a better main speaker with larger drivers. This follows an especially helpful discussion with a high end dealer who said it is very difficult discerning a diff between stereo preamps.  Much easier to pick out a diff in speakers.

it’s all marketing funny business.  If there truly were diffs there would be all kinds of efforts to have AB testing reviews and in store comparisons.  They don’t do this.