Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.

And costs only a few grand vs soooo much more for a ref 6se preamp.  Benchmark LA4 Does HT bypass very easily.  
I am at a profound loss.  what the heck is going on inside the Ref 6se box.  What the heck does it all do? 
6se is very pretty but Benchmark LA4 also looks nice. And the McIntosh c1100 preamp is also very pretty.  Frankly, what justifies buying a preamp at such a high price?? It is supposed to be a neutral pass thru of a signal.
@clearthinker Some people need a preamp because they (like me) think the volume control on a DACs is not as good direct to amp. Yes, I have done that for years. There are also people with sources that do not have a volume control, how do you play them?

+1 mahler123

 the truth is that there is no discernable sonic difference between any of today’s solid state gear (amps, preamps, CD/DVD players/transports, DACs) - regardless of what the golden ear audio gurus claim!

This exemplifies the reason for most audio arguments. People believe that their own experience is a universal truth and feel they have to convince everyone else of that.

Everyone hears differently and has different interest in hearing and ability to hear differences between gear. We can all share our experience, as that, and learn from others sharing their experience. When we decide that what we hear is what everyone else must hear or they’re lying or being duped is when tempers flare and people get defensive or lash out.

People who can’t hear the difference between different amps and preamps are lucky in a way. Their audio journey is much easier and cheaper.

People who can hear differences are going to have to put more time and energy into putting their system together and it’s going to cost more, but they may get enjoyment out of the journey and may end up with more satisfying (to them) sound.

I will just suggest that if all gear sounds the same to you, you’re probably wasting your time on this forum.

Ahhhh, thoughts from true marketeer.  Maybe take a poll.  Most will say they can’t hear diffs.  High end dealer conveyed that most can’t hear diffs, including reviewers paid to write fancy prose.
Maybe take a poll.  Most will say they can’t hear diffs.  High end dealer conveyed that most can’t hear diffs

Good for them and you! Now maybe you can find something better to do with your (and our) time?