Are cable recommendations worth anything?

I am a Denafrips dac owner. I use the Denafrips Facebook site for the same reasons I use this site.

Discourse, basic information and hopefully some enlightenment.
Recently one of the contributors asked the default question of "Can you recommend RCA cable brands that match well with Denafrips from dac to amplifier?"

Am I the only person that is confused when someone asks an open-ended question like this about cables?The sheer variety of "highly recommended" cables, lends me to believe that the cables are much less important to the sound than the component itself. Recommendations ran the gamut from the Tellurium Q Black Diamond cables at $1,100 CDN per metre, to the Blue Jeans cables at about $50 CDN per metre.

How does that make sense and how can this possibly help the poor slob that asked the question?
If we eliminate double blind tests what should science replace them with to control for bias? I always thought they were critical in understanding if something worked independent of our wants. Double blind testing could substantiate cable claims as easy as refute them. 
Recommendations of cables apart from the manufacturer recommended use, in sets, are pretty well worthless. 
Medicine has a hard enough time ensuring honest outcomes when testing placebos:

Conflating such a medical procedure with what can be done with audio samples is rather silly. It can give the illusion of rigor and science but it doesn't equate.

A patient can exhibit all manner of responses to a placebo, but in the end, that patient will succumb to the disease. That's in the long run. What I hear may be tricked by a parlor trick but my tastes that developed from what I hear will always be there, in the long run. It proves nothing.

Does a recording engineer torture him/herself with repeated DB testing, or does he just A/B the sample and proceed from there? Audiophiles are no different in that they're very disciplined in the art of listening, especially in the context of their own system, and know a difference when they hear it. That's science, folks.

Don't let the audio commies dumb down everything to the point where no one has a system better than someone else because they all sound the same and that nothing better can be achieved. Trust your ears.

All the best,
@tony1954 as to what would be the “right question,” here’s the original question...
"Can you recommend RCA cable brands that match well with Denafrips from dac to amplifier?"
Any cable under the sun can be an appropriate answer to this question because people’s individual tastes are all over the place not to mention that the answer also relies heavily (among other things) on the particular amp being used. What the hell does “match well” even mean? What matches well for one person may sound like utter crap to someone else. Case in point about the recommendations he ended up getting...

The sheer variety of "highly recommended" cables, lends me to believe that the cables are much less important to the sound than the component itself. Recommendations ran the gamut from the Tellurium Q Black Diamond cables at $1,100 CDN per metre, to the Blue Jeans cables at about $50 CDN per metre
The better and more effective way to ask the question would be to specify what interconnect (and amp) they’re currently using and what specifically they’re looking to improve upon and what aspects of sound reproduction (i.e. tonal warmth, upper octave detail, 3D soundstage, PRaT, micro/macrodynamics, etc.) are most important to them — along the lines of what @millercarbon said earlier. Then the recommendations would be more focused on what the OP was looking to actually achieve rather than being useless and all over the map. The more effort and info you put into asking a question the more targeted and effective the recommendations here will be, and the opposite is also true. Period. This poster’s question was very vague, and accordingly the responses were predictably all over the place. Like I said, garbage in, garbage out.

And BTW, just because the differences in “wires” may be lower on an absolute basis than, say, speakers, that doesn’t necessarily make them less important. That’s like saying a car’s engine is more important than the tires — silly. In the end everything in an audio system impacts its sound and performance and needs to work together within the context of a particular system and listener tastes. Discount the importance of interconnects, cables, or power cords at your own peril.