Dear friends: This tonearm critical subject sometimes can be controversial for say the least. Some audiophiles swear for non damped tonearms as the FR designs or SAEC or even the SME 3012 that is not very well damped in stock original status.

Some other audiophiles likes good damped tonearms.

In other thread a gentleman posted:

"  If a cartridge is properly matched to the tonearm damping is not required. " and even explained all what we know about the ideal resonance frequency range between tonearm and cartridge ( 8hz to 12hz. ). He refered to this when said: " properly matched to the tonearm ".

In that same thread that a Triplanar tonearm owner posted:

" This is the one thing about the Triplanar that I don't like. I never use the damping trough...... I imagine someone might have a use for it; I removed the troughs on my Triplanars; its nice to imagine that it sounds better for doing so. "

At the other side here it's a very well damped tonearm:

Now, after the LP is in the spining TT platter ( everything the same, including well matched cartridge/tonearm.  ) the must critical issue is what happens once the cartridge stylus tip hits/track the LP grooves modulations.

The ideal is that those groove modulations can pass to the cartridge motor with out any additional kind of developed resonances/vibrations and that the transducer makes its job mantaining the delicated and sensible signal integrity that comes in those recorded groove modulations.

 That is the ideal and could be utopic because all over the process/trip of the cartridge signal between the stylus tip ride and the output at the tonearm cable the signal suffers degradation (  resonances/vibrations/feedback ) mainly developed through all that " long trip " .


I'm trying to find out the " true " about and not looking if what we like it or not like it is rigth or not but what should be about and why of that " should be ".

I invite all of you analog lovers audiophiles to share your points of view in this critical analog audio subject. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT?

Thank's in advance.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Unfortunatelly audio analog is not really a science and do not exist inviolable rules.
I don't find this to be true, nor do I worry about being a minority in this regard. There's a lot of 'by gosh and by golly' in this hobby.
"by gosh and by golly." Atmasphere that is so polite. Analog audio would not be here if it was not for science and the work of some very brilliant people. The only thing that does not bow to scientific rules as we know them is the electrical current running around inside our heads.
Dear friends : All those changes that I posted and that I did it throufgh the years, including the silicon cartridge damping, not only gave me a better quality level systemperformance but in each case the room/system noise floor gone down too. 

Now, the silicon cartridge damping is not only to try to mantain all the time it can/permits the tracking cartridge job that the stylus tip stays in touch with the grooves always but that the suddenly changes in VTF and VTA/SRA due to LP surface macro and micro waves it can happens in more gentle way.

Additional to all those the silicon cartridge damping permits too that the anti-skate need it, normally, goes lower too.

So to many advatnges down there. A must to do it no matters whaT.

rEGARDS AND ENJOY THE music not distortions, 
Éssential- versus conditional approach. The first mentioned is based
on Aristoteles who discriminted between ''essential'' and ''accidental''
properties of objects. It is similar to induction by which one ''deduce''
from one quality to all others. The other approach is by Tarski :
''truth by satisfaction of predictes'':  ''x satisfy conditions a,b, c..,n''
and if not the the statement is not true.
As Raul think that damping is essential property of tonearms so
does chakster about styli. 
The so called ''holistic'' approach is ''obviously'' conditional. Like,say,
 Lew and Dover.

Nandric, assumptions are the mother of all F--k Ups

Raul, there is one variable in your assessment that has to give us all pause and that is what you "heard." Forgetting about psychoacoustics, How do we know what condition your hearing is in. Maybe you are an old person who is already rolling off at 8 kHz, presbycusis. Most old people do not even notice this!  Maybe you are on Lithium and have had your cochlea destroyed along with your kidneys and thyroid gland. You could even be myxedematous! 
Consequently, if your argument is based on "what you heard." It becomes almost (but not quite) totally invalid. Next time you do the damping experiment have a panel of friends present and get group consent. This is improve the validity of the argument a little but do keep them off the peyote:) By the way, this is true for ALL of us.