"Ironically, and inaccurately, the universally accepted idea that the influence of African musical tradition is one of the key ingredients of Jazz has been staunchly denied by O-10 and another participant here"
Frogman’s statement is not universally accepted nor does it jibe with anybody who has ears for music. Clearly, African music can be heard all over the Caribbean and South America, but not in the United States of America; Why is that?
Give me just one example of music that is clearly African in origin, during, or just after slavery? Why does African music exist everywhere that slaves were sold except here?
Music was a way for slaves to express their feelings whether it was sorrow, joy, inspiration or hope. Songs were passed down from generation to generation throughout slavery. These songs were influenced by African and religious traditions and would later form the basis for what is known as “Negro Spirituals”.
That’s what was in "Google". Has anyone been to Africa and heard them sing "Negro Spirituals"? Has anyone heard anything from Africa that sounded like "Negro Spirituals"?
Negro Spirituals are the songs of Africans imported to the US and stripped of everything including their dignity and their culture. They were given the King. James version of the Bible and told to pray. That’s why all of those "Negro Spirituals" refer to stuff out of the Bible. If they were African songs, they would refer to stuff out of Africa.
Since this argument can be audibly refuted, I will give you an example of African music, and let you compare that to "Negro Spirituals" and see if you hear any resemblance.
I even tried to find something as close to Western music as possible, all the music in my collection is extreme African with absolutely no resemblance to most music here.
I even tried to help your case Frogman with the music, but I don’t think I succeeded; nothing about this "Negro Spiritual" sounds African to me.