Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?

I have a Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp (12AT7) mated to an Odyssey Khartago Stereo. Overall I like it. Way too much gain but I digress. Weeks after receiving it I rolled in a few different tubes, kinda fun to color the sound signature. I liked rhe RXA black plates I got and those stuck around for more than a year. They started going microphonic and making noises so I ordered another pair (noisy) then another different vendor (blasts of white noise) and another set that arrived today (one is noisy as holy hell and one seems fine).

So where does one order preamp quality tunes that are quiet? Is there something I’m not requesting when ordering? Maybe dump
snd go solid state? I’m trying to be humorous because I’m pissed. Ha.

That said, I have tried most of the available new production tubes from JJ, Shuguang, etc, as well as dozens and dozens of premium vintage NOS tubes.

Without question, JJ have been the poorest sounding tubes in all my components. There isn’t a close second. Shuguang have been the best sounding new production tubes.

For vintage tubes, my best resources have been Andy at Vintage Tube Services, Upscale Audio, and Brent Jesse. I am interested to try tubes from RAM Labs

i agree with the above 100% -- jj's are just downright poor in sound

i believe the op has either:

a) a sensitivity mismatch between the QS pre and Odyssey amp (as I said earlier, the Odyssey’s are very sensitive, too sensitive)

b) a malfunctioning QS pre

c) noisier than normal tubes

this also reminds use why there is a longstanding market for really good solid state preamps like ayre, pass etc etc

+1 about JJ tubes. Swapped them out of both pre and amp and everything was smoother. The JJ tubes which came with the pre were surprisingly cheap. They should be swapped out right away. That said, I think that JJSS49's list of problems besides the tubes is more on-point.

 The tubes that I have been using are grey plate solid O getters!
@jjss49  the Phillips in there now are completely quiet. I would add the QS and the Odyssey Candela tube preamp have nearly identical specs according to the website. @yogiboy  and testimonials from others persuaded me to go QS over Odyssey. The gain is very hot and I did ask Mike if it could be knocked down and he said his design is not to be messed with. I didn’t press it further. While I like the QS pre, the Sachs SP14 has adjustable gain and asks for input of the amp it will be mated to so I fee like if I go that route at 2x the money then it should match better. I tried attenuators but feel like they quell dynamics a touch (could be placebo). I have a Schiit Sys and pondered putting it between the QS and Odyssey to pull the gain down.

The RCA’s front Brent a year or so ago were also perfect and run daily since then. The Brimars (Tubemonger) we’re noisy out of the gate. I may put them back in after reading that sometimes 100 hours can remedy noise. The replacement RCA. From Viva were awful from the start. The newest RCA from Brent has 1 tube that’s fine and the other sounds like a 1000ft wave is going to crash through the wall and sweep me out to sea. It drowns out the music. 
Maybe bad luck? Brent has been very good, Viva took theirs back no questions asked and like I said before, I’ll never do business with Tubemonger again. I sent Brent a video clip (was trying to upload to paste a link here but I guess they are having issues). 
I often criticize people who gripe about the Care and effort that vinyl requires so now I’m wondering if I’m not cut out for tube gear. Especially as I’m looking to
order a PH16 (Don Sachs) to replace my Lounge phono.
Tubes are like taking care of a small child, they give you wonderful moments but need a lot of care.
If you want the best SQ, IME, it is still going to come from tube gear, unless you spend the very big $$ and go for top ss. OTOH, if you want greater reliability of the sound and no fuss, and SQ is secondary, then ss is the way to go. BTW, Brent Jessee offers a two year warranty on his tubes, something that I took advantage of when I bought from him, I highly recommend it.