Musical system for under $2K?

My nephew stayed with us this past weekend, and was bitten by the "audio bug"...he now wants to put together an "affordable" music system for his appartment based around a CD player, an integrated amp, and a pair of monitor speakers. He listens mostly to classical and jazz, but also to rock from time to time. Any favorite combos? I'd prefer it if you limit your suggestions to systems that you own (or have owned) and that you have found to be musically accurate and satisfying over the long haul. His total budget, including stands, wire, and interconnects is just about $2000, and he is open to buying used if it helps him get more for his money. Thanks in advance for all your help. Deborah.
just off the top of my head I would suggest a pair of magnepan mmg's a jolida integrated or used counterpoint sa-12 or 100 and a counterpoint 2000 or 1000, mit terminator 2 cables for speaker and interconnect and a rega planet cd player just a quick response I could think of a few more
Integrated Amp Choices: Rotel, Creek 4330, NAD CD Player Choices: Rotel 951, Rega Planet Speaker Choices: 3 flavors of B&W($250-600/pr., Epos Connections: Tara, Nordost Stands: Pickem' at $$100 Mix and match result: Sweet system for around 2K.
Speakers-Meadowlark Kestrel. Integrated amp-Linn Majik. CD Players-Rotell 955, NAD 502, Rega Planet. Harmonic Tech or Audioquest cables. Bottle of Discsolution. I have personally owned and lived with this system. Very musical and works well with many diffrent types of music, the Kestrel is espesially easy to set up and has excellent bass + no speaker stands. All easily available for under 2k used.
Thanks everybody. Today we listened to a great system at a friends house. Meadowlark Kestrel (Hot Rod), Jolida SJ502a, CAL 15, Audioquest cables. My nephew LOVED it. I told him that even if he bought used, he'd have to streach his budget to about $3000, and he might just do that. But he'd like to listen some more, which I think is wise. In case you have not already figured this out, I'm taking this on as a pet project. It's allot of fun, and I'll tell you, after hearing this system today, it made me wonder if my husband and I spend too much $$$ on audio. You really can get great sound without taking out a second mortgage! Keep the systems coming! I really appreciate ALL the advice, and we plan to listen to as many of these components as we can! Thanks. Deborah.
Ejlif...did you "modify" anything on your Majik? Well, i replaced the copper "jumpers" with AQ silver, and looking into getting API 313 power cable. I heard it's working good with Majik? Also, isn't Majik-Planet-Kestrel 'bit too "dark" of a "presentation"? Regards!