I can be passionate about technical details, but please understand I absolutely think personal preference (our ears) are the most important. It does not matter what I think or link, it matters what you like. However, I think it is important not to get caught up in the flavor of the month and let the "masses", or perhaps it is the "crowd" decide what currently you should "like". That is why I point out that it was not too long ago that DACs based on the 1541 were not considered good, but suddenly they are again. Which is not to say you don't love your DAC, because you obviously do. If I had to guess, it has little to do with the 1541, and a lot to do with the overall design, warts and all. Warts are good in audio. We are working very hard to add warts to recorded music these days. People like warts.
jbmac7594 posts11-08-2020 8:52pmOk, do not know now? Was kind of liking my tubed MHDT Orchid. Maybe I should like? Maybe I should not? My ears are still deciding, for 4 months now. So far it is one of my favorites. My ears will decide. Enjoy!