The PCM1738 is a segmented DACMusical Fidelity used the PCM1738 Delta Sigma dac in 2002 in their A3/24 this was the start of the "new wave" because it was way to expensive to produce R2R chips with the multitude of laser trimmed resistors in them like in the TDA1541 and PCM1702 and 04 and more.
We A/B’d the that MF A3/24 which was mine against R2R dacs, even no name ones from China, which used the TDA1541 and PCM1702/4, and on RedBook CD using the same transport, the R2R chip’ed dacs reined supreme.
And today the "Discrete R2R" like my MSB, my friends Total are even better again than those old "chip based" R2R d/a converters.
Cheers George