Zu Druid MK IVs vs. Essences

I'm trying to decide between these two speakers and, after reading lots of reviews and impressions on-line, I'm more confused than ever. I'd like to hear what differences Audiogoners have experienced between the two. Of course, I'm not looking for the final word, or consensus - just folks' subjective impressions.

I won't get to audition either speakers, because I'm in northwest Wisconsin and a bit isolated. But I've bought a fair number of speakers without hearing them, so that doesn't worry me. I like revealing speakers that are a bit upfront and I'd rather have scintillating highs and great mids than thundering bass. I even like a little thin-ness in the bass.

Thanks in advance for any impressions you can offer.
The impedance and frequency plot shows that the Zu Druid is a Paul Voight type design.The notches in the bass are caused by line harmonics cancelling the output from the drivers front. The distance from the floor will make a 3 dB difference at certain frequencies but noway nohow can this explain a 20 dB notch. The erratic response in the midrange is likely due to the whizzer cone.
I've owned them both and think they suck. Sold the Essence to a frequent poster here who claims they are not very good and moved on.

I've heard the latter models and they are okay but still are not that great especially when compared to slightly higher end gear.

I think the drama comes in when Zu claims to offer world class performance. World class is a very high standard and they are far from it.

Maybe market very good and affordable or something. Buy these instead of a mountain bike....

Get out and listen more and you will find your answer. They are a good value but an if you listen to enough speakers I doubt you will end up with Zu.
I respect your opinion, but really that`s all it is. You or someone else could(and do) make the same statement about Wilson,Thiel,B/W Manaplanar etc. People simply like what they like. High End audio is nothing but "subjective choice" at the end of the day. If you`re happy with your system`s sound, great! be happy and don`t worry if another person`s taste does`nt match your own.
Point taken. I guess it is not fair or respectful of the design or tastes of other people. I apologize for that. I think I am still feeling sore about losing a bunch of cash on them too. I picked them up from a dealer at a discount prior to Zu dropping dealers and going back to the old pricing strategy. Perhaps therapy would be better than venting?
I respect your opinion, but really that`s all it is

Agreed. Same goes for me and Dock's comments about the measured response. Just think of it as a service to prospective buyers and the OP - to be aware of some of the limitations of the products under discussion. Perhaps Bjesein might not have lost $600 if he had been forewarned here on Audiogon and been able to make a more considered or informed decision.