Prefered Amplifiers to run with Harbeth M40.1

As the owner of the Harbeth M40.1, I'm seeking advice from owners of this fine speaker as to which amplifiers they have found to be the most synergistic in terms of overall grip on the bass. I find the bass hard to tame and wonder whether going from tube to SS might be a better match. I'd like to hear from those who have compared tube to SS with my particular model. Associated amp is a Audiomat Opera Reference integrated.
What's your budget.. and are you willing to go with seperates?

I've had good success driving my M-40.1's with both solid state (Plinius SA-102) & tube amps (McIntosh MC275 MKV & Conrad Johnson Premier 140). The Plinius amp tended to give me a little too much bass, but overall it was (and is) a fine amp.

I did try a Musical Fidelity M3-Nuvista, but did not like it... sounded mid-fi at best.

I have my CJ amp listed as I'm going to try the VAC Renaissance 30/30 MK III. I'm hoping this 30 watt tube amp will suffice... and I'm trusting it will based upon Stereophile's M-40.1 review in which they successfullly paired it with a few moderately powered tube amps... and the guys at VAC thought the 30/30 would work fine with the big Harbeths.

Suggest you consider going with some quality separates.
Here are the amps I Have used with the 40.1s. The best by quite a large margin is the
BAT REXPower amp. Most inner detail, best control of the bass, huge soundstage. Just no faults with the harbeths.
VTL MB-185 signature monoblocks. Had i not tried the BAT, these would have been here today. SUPER big and liquid midrange. Plenty of power, bass a little loose though.
Manley Snapper monoblocks. Good Sound, and lots of pop. Just could not get the soundstage to open up with these amps. They were great with the SHL5s though.
Bryston 7Bsst monoblocks. Last and all around least.
Have you thought about trying a crossover between your pre/amp? Thats the way i am going with the new YGA speakers and my JL Audio subs. You might try a cheap one from Marchand or someone and use your REL to cover the bass. (from where ever you Xover) Fairly cheap fix (no amp changes) and you still keep the best of the Harbeths and use the REL to your advantage.
Are you ready for this? Spectral DMA 260. Transparent but in the best way. Clarity. Great amp. Loving my spectral/harbeth combo.
There's a Harbeth owner named "Denjo," who posted his extensive experience using many different amps with his speakers. The thread was here, on AA, or at the Harbeth Users Group. I think you'd find it worth your time to track it down. Good luck.