Looking for more detail in a speaker

Kind of a long first post but needed the space to set up my situation. 
I decided to do something about my speaker situation after demoing a pair of B&W 805d’s. One of the tracks played was Sympathy for the Devil. At the beginning of the song, a percussion instrument, either a guiro or cabasa, just popped out at me on the left speaker. I’ve heard that song a million times but never noticed that percussion instrument coming at me like that. I came home and played the track through my system, through my streamer and turntable. My speakers are Golden Ear Triton One’s. That same presentation just isn’t there like with those 805’s.
The GET1’s are certainly decent speakers; are they not designed for this type of detailed presentation? Is it my room? My listening room is a odd shaped man attic with a 3.5’ wall on one side with an 8’ wall on the other side peaking a 9’ in the middle. My listening position is about 17’ from the speakers.  I’m sure the room is acoustically challenged. Also, I have a long speaker wire run, like 40’. Does that contribute to the lack of detail? I figured out a way to trim about 15’ of speaker wire length from each run and plan to do that ASAP. I’m using AudioQuest construction rated wire. I believe they’re 14 gauge.
So, why not buy the 805’s? I’ve thought seriously about them but concerned they’ll be kind of small for my room. Seems like I need floor standers. I’d like to keep any replacement speakers at $4k. I have an opportunity to pick up a pair of Dynaudio S5.4s for $4k but haven’t made a move in them yet. 
Any suggestions on a speaker selection or adjustments to my room or speaker wire are appreciated. To sum it up, I’m looking for more instrument detail with good sound staging either by making tweaks to my current set up or getting another flavor of speakers. Thx. 
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I have both B&W's 802's and Dynaudio's Special 40's.  They are both great speakers.  I run a single JL sub with the Dynaudio's and it is amazing how big they sound.  That said, it will depend on the room size and sitting position.  Years ago, I ran 805's with a Velodyne sub and it was amazing, but in a 11x10 room.  What about used B&W 804's?
@geof3 Yeah, I was surprised when I put a measuring tape to it. I’ve got furniture I the way that puts my listening chair at that distance. My sons used to use this room a lot but don’t any more so time to maybe get rid of some furniture and rearrange the space. The acoustic room analysis will probably force me to make some changes. 
@jp-2213 Could be the Gryphon is a better amp. And, could be the McIntosh isn’t a good match for the GE’s. The owner of the 805’s thinks they are on the brighter side but “the raw power of the McIntosh should tame it.” It’ll be nice to hear through my system if that’s the case. I did learn during the audition he was streaming songs through Tidal and his MYTEK Brooklyn. I think finding the right speakers for me is first on the list along with getting the room acoustics sorted out. IMO, tweaks with amps or cables, interconnects, etc. accentuate the fundamental sound of the speakers. @jaulbrich the 804’s might be an option if I like the 805’s in my system. The extra woofer in the 804’s might help in a room my size. 
Still thinking about the Dynaudio S5.4’s. Any thoughts on those? 
Your search for real detail will lead to listener fatigue!

Dont be impressed by a 30 second sound clip!
Diamonds are forever !  Nothing does what the 800 series Diamonds do in the highs....ethereal!!
Diamond are forever!  Nothing does what the 800 series diamonds do...ethereal!!