Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better

Another small contribution to this board... especially for those of us who really enjoy evaluating gear...

... we know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves

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When I'm evaluating gear I like to spend some "quality time" listening to item A, then some "quality time" listening to item B.

From 1978 thru 1982 I worked in high end audio shops in the DC area.  It was common to be able to A/B speakers, but at one of the shops we had this "computerized" console, where you could A/B amplifiers, and it was "programmed" to set the volumes equal.  I remember a customer spending HOURS A/Bing a McIntosh MC2205 solid state power amp vs. a Luxman Laboratory Reference tube unit, switching back and forth causing the "computerized" console to illuminate one lamp for the McIntosh, the other for the Luxman.  After HOURS of listening, he bought the Luxman.  A few days after he left the store, our head repair tech came into our high end room and replaced the motherboard in the unit, saying that though the unit switched from one lamp to the other, it was not actually switching from one amp to this customer was probably listening all the time to the McIntosh.
"There are two kinds of music. Good music, and the other kind"
 - Duke Ellington
Just as I'd rather drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow, I'd rather listen to good music on a bad system, than bad music on a good system.

life is short, why settle?  the idea is to listen to great music on a great system