Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better

Another small contribution to this board... especially for those of us who really enjoy evaluating gear...

... we know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves

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life is short, why settle?  the idea is to listen to great music on a great system
Harman testing showed that most people prefer speakers with a flat frequency response . Why settle for less ?
@russ69 ,

'The industry pretty much agrees that long term evaluation is the tool used to review products.'

The industry most probably would as it serves their interests best.

However since most audiophiles want to know which equipment is better, a more useful way is to compare different products via a blind listening session conducted through a comparator. Near instant switching and level matched of course.
It is a real shame for the consumer that such facilities are not readily available.

Yes, you can argue what you will about unsighted tests, but no one will argue that sighted ones are in any way more accurate or less biased.