Looking for a new integrated amp

I am looking at three different choices for a new integrated amp. My budget is about $2000. The amps that I am considering are: 1. Rogue Sphinx V3   2. Creek EVO100A    3. Musical Fidelity M5si. What are everyone's experiences with these amps? Does one outshine the others? My taste in music are primarily rock, blues, and classical. My preferences are a wide and deep soundstage with a lot of detail. The rest of my system includes Pro Ject turntable with a ZYX Bloom 3 cartridge, Lounge LCR mkIII and Lounge Copla (both with the silver wire upgrade) and Tekton Double Impact speakers. Opinions on what would sound best with what I have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
I've not heard the Musical Fidelity; but compared to the Rogue and Creek I prefer my Primare I32. You should be able to get one within your budget when one comes available; which is rare since they sound so good. I had to wait quite a while for mine. I hear the newer I35 is da bomb; but I think it would be well above your budget.

Here's some reading material:
Read reviews on the Shiit Ragnarock. Qualiy build, made in the US, good after sale support from what I heard. Also its upgradable. Hegel audio might have something in that range. The H90 just sqeaks in. Good reputation in audio circles too. Finding a Hegel dealer local is best to demo.
I own a Sphinx v2 and really like it with my Magnepan .7s. The phono stage is very good, based on replacing it with a diy Pass Pearl 2 Phono preamp and hearing less improvement than expected. The Rogue’s phono stage is pleasant but the Pearl digs more out of the groove, but also costs $500 just for the parts. I bought a MF M2si for another system and found it wonderfully energetic but just a little bright, and sold it. But I’ll bet for rock it’s a winner. I think MF makes excellent value equipment. 
+1 for the Primaluna wsrrsw provided suggestion. If you like the tube sound, this is a great way to get started on that journey. I auditioned the Sphinx v2 and found its sound rather thin. Not so with the Primaluna which sounded “organic” to me.