Perfect sound reproduction requires flat response 20-20khz. Anything less is WRONG.
If you want perfect transients you do a 1 way full range cone. If you want more highs you do a 2 way. If you want a bit more mids you do a 3way. Its not rocket science. Open baffles are WRONG which is why we have box speakers in the first place. Use your brain. It is not rocket science. If you want to be a master tuner you need to learn how to listen. If you want good bass get yourself a better room dont blame the speakers. No such thing as dopler distortion. Have you ever heard John atkinson criticize how terrible all these 2way speakers sound due to dopler distortion? Never. Get real and stop complaining.
If you want perfect transients you do a 1 way full range cone. If you want more highs you do a 2 way. If you want a bit more mids you do a 3way. Its not rocket science. Open baffles are WRONG which is why we have box speakers in the first place. Use your brain. It is not rocket science. If you want to be a master tuner you need to learn how to listen. If you want good bass get yourself a better room dont blame the speakers. No such thing as dopler distortion. Have you ever heard John atkinson criticize how terrible all these 2way speakers sound due to dopler distortion? Never. Get real and stop complaining.