Newbie, need advice.

I have a old school Bench mark DAC1.I recently bought a Luxman CL-38uC Pre Amp and it says be aware that the maximum input level at the balance input is 2.5 V and therefore sound signals may be distorted if a device with larger output level is connected. I look up the spec sheet on the Benchmark Dac 1 and it did not see the spec for the output voltage, unless i misread it. Can anyone pitch in on this and let me know if i can use balance input cables from DAC to PRE-AMP?

Thank You 

for what it’s worth, I have three pairs of the Colorado’s in my system and have no complaints.

All the best.

Despite the claims of a poster above, I've had 2 DACs in a row that are 2.5V output or more. My current favorite DAC, the MHDT Labs Orchid NOS DAC, outputs 3V. 

That's a true pain-in-the-ass; difficult (but not impossible) to get the gain of downstream gear under control. But I like the sound of the DAC so I deal with it.
As I said, I don't know anything about DAC's.

Why in the world are they making such powerful outputs?
Yes the overabundance of gain is problematic with many digital sources. Any voltage over 2V seems not to be needed.

Many preamps (stand alone or within integrateds) provide more gain than needed as well, a greater problem with digital sources.