Speaker Positioning

I know from speaker position is critical in achieving the best results from a given system. Is there a dynamic way to measure placement of each speaker to make certain they are the exact same distances from back/side wall, cabinets, seating, etc. beyond a measuring tape and listening to the results? Seems to me if minor differences pay large returns, you could be tinkering with this a long time.  Thanks for the indulgence.  
I found a tape measure easiest to measure against room boundaries while making REW measurements at 4" intervals. When I was done with REW, I used a laser against a paper target at the listening position to mirror the speakers' distance to the listening position, and toe-in.
Well when you get to end of the setup, what else matters.. Still have to listen.

I understand difference in ear balance vs measured balance, vs SPL balance  (left and right speaker matching). It does vary quite a bit actually.
Depends on who made the stuff or if they even care..

ROOMS forget about it... no two are the same.. Anything goes..

To thine own room be true.....Know your room....:-)

Bosch laser measure, inexpensive model.  You can check the exact distance between you and the two speakers, and you don't need someone to hold the other end of the tape measure.
@twoleftears , +1 
A laser measure will be the most accurate.

There are other measurements that can be considered. Sound pressure level, frequency response are just two.
If you are serious, why not contact a high end dealer to assess your system?
I bet you'll learn a few things just watching.
Start with a laser to (+1 on Bosch) to get each within an inch of each appropriate ear. Then fine tune (especially toe in) according to soundstage. If the wall placements are equal move one until it sounds best and match the other first. If not good luck.
Measurement and dynamic are oxymoronic.