Harbeth P3ESR vs the new XD

Has anyone compare the two as heard the old one and stores only have xd now. What is main difference in sound. One guy said they prefer original! Thanks!
op is correct

very slight shift towards treble emphasis in xd suffix - difference is pretty minimal even in direct a-b - the fundamental goodness and character of the speaker is unchanged

alan has adopted the bain school of profit maximization for minimal added value - but he has a cash cow by the tail so may as well milk it for what it is worth - expert speaker designer expert capitalist
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Harbeth is no different from any other audio manufacturer. Vandersteen, Spendor, B&W, Audio-Research, etc., etc., always have an improved version in their product line. BTW, Harbeth does use the word ground-breaking in their new speaker line up. Here is the new Harbeth introduction from the company!!