New to Vinyl. Need help on how to match components, cartridge, etc...

Are there any good resources you can recommend to educate ones self on how to match up a cartridge to the phono preamp  and phono preamp to a preamp? What are the consideration when it comes to gain and output/input impedance? 
Thank you, all.  Much food for thought and your comments are very helpful.  

@millercarbon  I have Bryston 7B3 amps which have a very low input impedance (7.5k unbalanced / 5k balanced) so I stuck with a Bryston Premp which has an output impedance of 72 ohms.  This is my concern. 
This is all irrelevant when you're using MM or MI cartridge.
Start with MM or MI and you are fine with every MM phono stage!

Don't buy an MC if you don't understand anything about gain, impedance, compliance etc 
@chakster  I would like to stick with a MC, hence my seeking of guidance as I am definitely still learning.  Attempting to do my due diligence prior to making my purchase decisions on both a cartridge and a phono preamp.  

I should have referenced the B26 Preamps input impedance rather than the output.  The input impedance balanced is only 10k ohms per leg. This what is giving me concern in regard to matching up an appropriate  phono preamp.  
@millercarbon I have Bryston 7B3 amps which have a very low input impedance (7.5k unbalanced / 5k balanced) so I stuck with a Bryston Premp which has an output impedance of 72 ohms. This is my concern.

Yes well there you go. So you know first hand just how limiting one choice can be. Its very easy if you're not careful to wind up with a system so precariously matched that changing one thing means messing everything else up- and so that in itself becomes a huge obstacle to improvement.