From Audio Research ref cd player to what ? (Cd Transport, streamer, Dac.....?)

I have sold my Ref cd7 as I was willing to upgrade. I thought buying a new dac with a new transport , giving more versatility would be better.
I realize now that lots of transport are available and that finally I just have 200 cd’s or so and the investment on a transport is maybe not that wise....

What quality of transport do I need to buy to be at least at the level of the cd7 ? Moving up the scale I have seen the nuprime cdt 10,  simaudio 260d or t , a newly developed project rst2, or the jay’s cdt2 mk2.

What quality of DAC for not to be disappointed with my previous cd7 ? I have seen Ayre  Codex or Yggdrasil or Bryston BDA3 or psaudio , or mytek....

Is it better to buy a streamer as I don’t have thousands of cd’s ? But what ?

All of this will be associated to an Audio Research Ref3 ,  2x Audio Research Ref 250 , Magnepan 20.7.
I don’t like anemic sound and prefer full bodied, romantic, yet envelopping and textured sound.
I don’t need over transparency as my above rig is sufficiently transparent to let everything appear even in the smallest details.

What do you think ?
thank you

thank you all for your answers and advices

@wharfy Thank you this is probably the route I will take
@georgehifi I have also seen the Jay’s cdt2 mk2 or the Simaudio 260

I start to think that the Jay’s would be probably too detailed... having seen the installations of people that have highly praised it (big Tannoy’s.....). I prefer maybe to bet on something that is not mentioned as airy, detailed.... in its attributes but more a little warmish.
I start to think some equipments are voiced so as to compensate some speakers or installations that lack openess, air or details, which probably is most of the market with installations that are not on the high-end neutral side but being a little closed-in  , warm or boxy sounding (just my estimation). Having quite recent ARC and Magnepan equipments I don’t need to compensate..... or maybe a little on the opposite side , reason why of the moon 260d. I don’t know about the Schiit but why not. Now the question is when .....?

@georgehifi I have also seen the Jay’s cdt2 mk2 

Yeah it's nice, but to me expensive. And I did query the availability and price of the laser, and from suppliers like the ones usual on ebay, in case they go belly up next week/year.

To me there's nothing worse that a nice expensive product like a CDP or CDT that there's no laser for easily at a decent price, or worse unobtainium, then you have junk.
Like the magic Mark Levinson No.39 now junk if you can't find a new  Sony-KSS-151A laser, try too find a new one of those (not used). 
Cheers George

I have a player just for Blu Ray movies and occasional CD playback. All my CDs have been downloaded to a hard drive and are managed by an Apple Mini and the program Pure Music which upsamples everything to 24/192. Most of my music now comes from HD Tracks in 24/96 or above.
I'll never by another high end CD player or transport. Don't need it.