Niagara 1200 and subwoofers

Hello, I've got my eye on the 1200 but need two of them. I have 12 pieces to plug in. I'm not worried about stuff like Bluesound node 2, Fios box,, dvd player rarely used... other than my Anthem AV receiver,  Anthem str amp, Parasound 220 x 5 amp, plus two Rythmik subs. It seems I need 5 of the high current outlets when there are only 4 total. My plan is to use a splitter to plug in the subs. Will that work? 

Also, I'm thinking of the Niagara 5000 as an upgrade because it's obviously better and has the 4 high current outlets and 12 total, and in the used market it's not too much of a jump in price for me. It actually offers less outlets than I need but I'm sure it could work,, but the size of it is the #1 negative for me.. my plan is to hide it behind my stack. A bit difficult compared to two separate 1200's. Leaning towards the 1200 especially if i can get a multi discount somewhere or used...  I have a dedicated 20 amp line but it's to more than one receptacle behind my AV equipment. I can run a 10g new line as my panel is 10 ft from my system, but not eager to move my whole 'never want to touch' stack. 

So can I use a 2 to 1 for the 2 subs? Any other ideas?


For what it is worth now, I plug my tube mono blocks directly into my Niagara 7000. 

I also for a time, had my JL Fathoms F-113 plugged into the same Niagara. But since I have 3 dedicated circuits I now plug the Fathoms into a Niagara 1200 on a different line (same leg).

The Niagara's are a different animal than most power conditioners. They are designed to improve the dynamics for amplifiers. Better than straight to the wall!

It's funny, I saw that thread with the link to a coax filter and realized I have one sitting on my desk for many years. Maybe I'll put that in to try. 

I've filled up the first Niagara and won't get the second until December,  so I'll have to wait a while. 

Today around 7 am I heard the hum for 3 or 4 cycles, then it stopped.  Had i went and turned off breakers at that point,, i would have been stumped from the coincidence. Maybe it is from a neighbor using stuff, I don't know. It's a residential area, so no businesses with signs and stuff. And in the morning when all is quiet, there is nothing on in my house. No lights, nothing. Briefly the fridge goes on and off but it does not correspond with the hum.

Thanks again, if I find anything, I'll post here. 

I remember many years ago using a coax filter and losing some of my TV channels. Not sure if it was this piece  I have now or a power strip with a filter connection  on it. Just fyi...
Like others have said it could be a ground loop from cable TV.  Just disconnect your TV cable and see if the hum goes away.
I had hum issues with 2 JL fathom 212v2s. After a lot of research I solved it with a filter on the coax going into my TiVo and then purchased a CMX-2 from Emotiva. I think it handles something called DC offset and it solved my problem. I have both subs plugged into in unit.