Phono stage recommendations

Getting that "upgrade itch" again. I am currently using a Tavish Adagio phono with the upgraded SUTs, which sounds pretty darn good! However, I'm looking at several alternatives; Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II (the top of my budget), Luxman EQ500, for tube units and the Sim Audio 610 LP or the Whest 40 RDT as the SS contenders. Whichever one I choose, it must have balanced outputs and cannot be over 5 inches high due to space limitations of my equipment rack. My cart is a Kiseki PH N.S. which I will hold on to for the time being, but I may decide to move on to something else later on. Both my preamp and amp are SS and the amp runs in class A. I think I'm still partial to tubes, although I am willing to keep an open mind. I am hoping that the next purchase will be an "endgame" phono stage for me.

The Zesto is a new design, the Luxman design is several years old but likely will remain in the lineup for a number of years given the history of their previous phono stages. The Sim Audio looks like it may be nearing the end if its 10 year life cycle, since it has been around for 7-8 years. The Whest 40 series was introduced in 2019? Just like most others in this hobby, I hate when I buy something only to have a  newer model introduced soon after. Anyway.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
I think the Luxman EQ500 is a great alternative. The Aesthetix Rhea is another alternative to consider, all tube gain, no SUT or FET gain, but it may be too tall.

I have a NOS Kiseki PH Sapphire. Great sounding cartridge. I am sure your Kiseki PH N.S sounds great.
Well I bought a Luxman EQ 500 and it is outstanding! Coming from a Tavish Design Adagio (with upgraded transformers) which is no slouch, the Lux plays at another level, and it should since it is quite a bit more expensive. It is very powerful and dynamic sounding. It is also very quiet and may be the only phono stage I have ever owned over the years where I do not hear the least bit of hum! Sound staging is very expansive and images are solid. Vocals and instruments are more expressive. The overall sound feels like everything is firmly grounded. Also, it is easier to discern the recording venues, whether studio or live concerts, in large or small venues. I get much more of a sense of actually being there. Although the Tavish was good at that, using NOS tubes, the Lux (using stock tubes) is simply better. This is my end game phono stage. While there are undoubtedly even better ones out there, they will likely cost much, much more than I care to spend.
Note: It appears that there are no longer any new units remaining in the US. Factory production in Japan has slowed or shut down again due to COVID and the distributor does not anticipate any new stock in the US for at least another 4-5 months.

Congrats on Luxman EQ-500, I bet the synergy with C-900u is off the charts. I have recently bought the EAT E-Glo S with external LPS and it has surpassed all of my expectations (previously owned Parasound ZPhono XRM). There is just something about tube based phono’s that consistently puts out relaxed sound that is devoid of any listening fatigue.

My setup is SME Model 15A / Hana Umami Red / EAT E-Glo S with LPS.

Enjoy your EQ-500!
Thanks lalitk. Yes, there is a synergy with the C-900u and having a tube phono stage!
Enjoy your Eat Glo!