How it works! From a common man.

How a boutique fuses changes the sound in a piece of equipment, and how (at least) one became directional.

How they made it directional. Yes SOME, very few, are made that way. I'll Explain what I found.
Why it works or NOT. This is NOT a fuse shoot out.  This is a, "WHY it works", Not "it just does", session. LOL

Everyone is welcome to help me figure out why it works, BUT why it doesn't, with a reason, is VERY welcome.

No name callin'.  Don't call folks liars, just state your personal learning extravaganza, HOW, and WHY.

We'll figure out WHY, and HOW it effects something.. Cause and Effect. NO PSYCHOBABBLE.

Big words hurt my head, keep it simple for us common folks if you would please.

I promise to be on my best behavior, maybe. :-)
Thanks for looking, not reading, and posting.


jjss491,373 posts11-18-2020 10:25am

what a waste of bandwidth


I ask that YOU at least help me with my bandwidth abomination, the less the better, RIGHT...

If you don’t mind, I’ll return the gift, to the one that gave it.

It’s all welcome, just not all accepted.. Thanks though.

Time to fix the Hen’s house..

With great respect, and regard.
LOL don't tell um all the secrets...Just kidding.. Yea. there is a reason for my thinking. It may seem a little far fetched, but, some things do just work. Very well I might add. Zink is a serious product used in marine and internal combustion cooling systems.. Iron has got to have a way to eliminate (STOP) galvanization and electrolysis.  Couldn't stop pinholes from forming EVERYWHERE, without it. LOL That same corrosion doesn't happen with this concoction.  Worked for 20 years, living next to the ocean. The case might disintegrate, but the fuse holder will be intact..
Stops carbon tracks from STARTING, the key. :-)

Staying out of trouble, NOT getting out of trouble.. Simple thinkin' ay?

Rislone is full of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate. It is a very poor conductor.
It could be full of anything, and a whole lot more I wouldn’t know.. I use it for the cleaning, and the corrosive inhibitors.

Diamond dust too, it is a great insulator, just what I don’t need, in the wrong amounts..The right amounts, different story..

OH and I like the smell, TOO.

There is a few things in NNS listed as "other" too, I’m pretty sure the stuff I’m using is just crammed full of STUFF not on the label. I mean it was 50 years old 50 years ago. I know there is silver in some of the OLD brands, too. You won’t find it in there now. A LOT of the products are scared to death about lead too. Little late now..

Beside, that word... Makes my head just throb...

I’m a MEK, or R12 kind of guy... The Doctor told me I something wrong with my heart. I said oh A "HEART ATTACK", he said, yea that’s the just of it. Of course the word, made my head hurt, TOO.
I thought we were talkin’ about my heart, why is my head hurtin?

I mean why do they call WD40, WD40? There are TWO correct answers.  One popular, one a lot closer to reality. 
I have a feeling you know the 3rd answer few know about.. Just an observation.
