There was a nice Steve G. video recently about this. Essentially, he pointed out how hard it is to compare cuts (different masters, A/D processes, etc.). In many cases, he liked vinyl better but in some cases, the streamed or cd was preferable. He's a "both/and" guy.
While I have no intention to return to vinyl, there's something so intentional about taking care of records, playing them, one at a time, preserving the "concept" behind the arrangement of songs and even the whole album. Above and beyond the sonic qualities, there's a depth of investment by the listener that pays tribute to the experience intended by the artist. Too often, I sit down to stream an album, and wind up just jumping from track to track or artist to artist. In the moment, it feels like freedom, but it can leave me feeling fragmented. Sort of like watching a movie over a week rather than all at once.