Class A or AB Solid State Integrated Amp for Spendor D9's - Coming from Tubes

So I'm looking at getting a solid state Class A or AB integrated amp to go with my Spendor D9's and my Lumin T2. I strictly stream and do not have a turntable setup. I'm coming from my Line Magnetic 805ia which I love (will still keep it around but turn it on for those times where I want to listen to tube and not drain its life on watching TV) but I would still like to find a warmer/sweeter sound rather than a sterile, ultra-analytical sound. Some that I have considered include: 

  • Luxman 590AXII
  • Accuphase E800
  • Diablo 300
  • Boulder 866
I have not heard the Diablo or the Boulder in person because there aren't any dealers in the WA area but I hear great things. Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated! 

I’m also looking at Spendor D9.2 for my next system, and considering either Luxman L-590AXii or BHK250 and BHK preamp separates. 
I’ve got D7 and D1 now and absolutely love the D series Spendor. Have the older SA1 in office system and not nearly as good as D series IMO. 
Good luck. 
I think you’ve got a pretty damn fine list and not sure you could go wrong with any of them.  I’d only add to the confusion and suggest putting Vitus on your list as well.  Or maybe a hybrid like Unison Research Unico where tubes only in the input stage.  Best of luck. 
Speakers are semi at 90db. 
 Don’t let this deter you from a high powered amp.
said this 500X.
 Get min 300WPC!
YOUMWILL NEED THE headroom for crescendos and power chords.

 Little 5, 10, 100,,150, 200,WPC amps,,while great, there is no match for 300WPC plus in this business.  
Thank me later.

 My speakers rated at 250W.  I use 650Wpc/rms. Exclusively, always a flawless sound, no clipping of any kind. Everything is just sublime!

 Don’t believe the hype, watts are your friend.
any good high quality amp is great.


 go big, or go home.
 Will a 100W amp sound good, sure, will 300 W sound great,...YES?
effortless, easy going, tight bass,  ice mids, highs, and all the above!


I own D7.2’s and a LM805ia. You probably know this, but a sound profile like the LM is a bad match for TV/movie audio, where one actually does want sterile/analytical with lots of watts. If you must combine the music and tv in one system, I think that @jjss49 recommendations were very good. Move the warm/sweet/tubes to the music source/stage before quality SS amplification. Lumin is a good streamer but you could improve  sound with a separate tube dac/line stage. Unclear on how you are sourcing your tv audio input but if you could find an integrated amp with pre-in/bypass then you could use that for the music side and use a ‘normal’ input with volume/gain for the tv source.