Making phono resistance plugs

Any ideas about making a pair? Looks simple. Any esoteric suggestions? Need a little over 400 ohm. Any particular brand of resistor, or plug? 
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Oldhv, that reference you cited is poorly written at best and in some cases plain wrong, in my opinion. One could argue about the audibility of the load resistor itself, but it certainly is in the signal path, contrary to what is stated. Second, the article gives the impression that one can choose any load resistance by inserting a parallel plug, which of course is not true. The resistor in the parallel position will be in parallel with whatever is the fixed load resistance inside the phono stage, which is most often 47,000 ohms.Therefore, you can never achieve a load resistance higher than 47,000 ohms by using a parallel plug resistor.

Thanks for sharing the article. Pretty a newbie to analog, I am struggling a bit to find that ‘perfect’ load setting for my cart. The recommended load setting for my Hana Umami Red is >60 ohms.
Fortunately my phono allows me to adjust gain and load on the fly (EAT E-Glo S). My phono load settings are,

10R, 30R, 50R, 90R, 100R, 1K, 47K.

I keep toggling between 90R, 100R, 1K settings depending on the recording. Some recordings sounds superb and some harsh and lifeless. Adjusting load settings somewhat alleviate the harshness but still feel not getting the best optimal sound my gear is capable of.

My TT is SME 15 with 309 tonearm.

What else I can do to achieve some consistency in load settings? Or is that simply not possible with my current phonostage? I have thought about going the custom SUT route to optimize the sound....

Your thoughts?
What else I can do to achieve some consistency in load settings? Or is that simply not possible with my current phonostage?
Please read the post from @tvad , set load to 47kΩ on your phono stage, use a rca Y adaptor and custom loading plug (for example, you can use 60Ω, 75Ω, 150Ω resistors) to get optimal sound.