Receiver recently repaired - Now producing fuzzy distortion in higher frequencies??

I have recently had my Yamaha R-300 repaired after the relay was no longer clicking and not allowing sound through to speakers. Before this problem came up, I had a beautiful sound hooked up to a pair of JBL 4301B speakers and with a Luxman PD-284 record player. 
Since getting the amp repaired however, all high frequencies like high piano notes, guitar, vocals, strings etc. are very fuzzy and distorted on all inputs including FM, Tape, CD, Aux, and Phono.
I brought it back to the repair shop and described my issue and they plugged in into their speakers and played a CD and allowed me to play songs that the distortion was really obvious on and it sounded fine?? I then took it back home and am getting the same results as before so i'm really not sure if I am doing something wrong here or what?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I suspect that the bias diodes used to give thermal feedback from the heatsinks are shorted. This will cause the amp to sound exactly as described. It causes the amp to have extreme crossover distortion. I would take it back to the service shop and have them finish the job. They should have tested the amp prior to sending it out- they should have caught this.