REGA RS5... any owner?

I keep looking for a good floorstander with a small footprint that can do bass. Almost all manufacturers publish their specs, but Rega does not. Can the RS5 do bass? in other words produce below 40hz in a 14 x 16ft room? Are they laid back or forward sounding?
Thank you for your help!
This Rega R5 review will give you a useful answer.

I used the Rega Aras (now the R1s) for a number of years and there always was good bass, as long as you had near back wall placement.

Without knowing your budget, I would consider the Sierra 1 from Ascend Acoustics and add the matching pedestal stand. Remarkable performance and excellent tuneful bass. The solid bamboo construction really lowers the noise floor. There is also a 30 day money back trial.

I heard them in NY several years ago and they were very balanced around the mids, definitely English sounding. I would imagine they would mate well with the new Brio R and P3 turntable. If for anything else, I think their build quality per price is second to none. Their products deserve to be compared to Luxman Classico line out of Japan and maybe Decware here in the US, which make balanced integrated amps with dedicated speakers.
I have Rega R5's (not RS5) running off of Naim seperates and they have plenty of very well controlled "bass," or low frequency performance. Of course, your room scale and constuction does influence the sound. They are pretty forgiving of amplification but they are so musical and accurate, I think I could justify pairing them with much more expensive amplification than their price would seem to dictate.

I think they are a great little speaker and they look modern and go with nearly any decor. Sound-wise they literally rock and they beat the pants off of all sub- $2000 B&W's (600 and some CM series) and Sonus Fabers (Domus) I have auditioned. Their "bass" was warmer but better controlled than the B&W's and the Sonus Fabers. They were more revealing and lively than the Sonus Fabers. The tweeter is quite good. The midrange could be a bit bigger and warmer, but it is nice and helped along by the side firing driver that also covers lower frequencies. They are a bit forward with Naim equipment, but Naim is forward too.

Not many people seem to have heard them, and I have read some posts on this site that deride them - apparently by individuals that haven't actually heard them. The upside of all of this: they aren't too popular and they tend to be a bargain used. Cheers!
Thank you Jceaves... I got them about 2 months ago and I love them! I have been playing many speakers over the years (a pair every year pretty much... magnepan, dynaudio, bw, martin logan, psb, polk, bose, jmlab, vandersteen, definitive, paradigm, DIY, ?), and these will stay in my home. These are IT. Perfect for my space, mate well with my marantz integrated, just love them.
Until I find something I like better that is.