Speaker help - short list needed

I'm looking for a good sounding speaker that is very musical without any harshness or brightness. Looking for something around $1,500 on the used market. Paradigm's are out of the question as their tweeter is a bit much for my liking. For comparison, Sonus Faber makes a sound that I enjoy.
Good suggestions, I wish I could demo all of these speakers, but I cannot. I will be pairing these speakers with a McIntosh 2205 and more than likely an Anthem AVM40 or AVM50 (do not have the Anthem yet). The Vandersteen's seem to be a very good option at this point for the money. I have heard these paired with McIntosh in the past and they are very easy on the ears.

Keep the reccommendations coming....
If you can stretch your budget a little, Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and a Woofer Monitor in "b-stock" will run around the 2k mark. Very musical and fun. :-) If you are near or in NJ, drop me an email to set up a listen.