what amp are you using with wilson benesch speakers

hi all

ive just purchased some wilson benesch p3.0. im interested it what amplifiers people have tried and found good matches for them. ive used an audia flight fl3s and vitus 025. 

dac is a streamer dac. ayon s10 signature.

I have heard them many times with Nagra and IMO it is an excellent combination
WB are neutral (least warmth) speakers. A warm sounding SS or a good tube amp would be my recommendation. The impedance curve is not too demanding for WB speakers (6 Ohm nom. 4 Ohm min) should not be too hard to drive. Of course a lot depends on your room size and preferred listening levels. 

i sit 3.3 metres from speakers room is short but very wide family living space. 5 metres by 11 metres.

i turn 5he vitus up to -15 to -10 not much past that.

the vitus sounds good as you can imagine but it is a little dry and this combo really demands the best recordings compared to the much cheaper audia fl3s. i was thinking the audia flight fls10

i need an intergrated no room for seperates

I have a pair of ACT’s snd I use an audio research GSi75 integrated amplifier to great success 
I use Modwright amps (PH150/Ambrose One/KWA150) with my Vectors.  Modwright makes several integrateds.  Very happy with the sound, and I listen to mostly mediocre recordings.  E.g. Young Fresh Fellows “Toxic Youth” at the moment.