PS Audio Power Plant 15........

Just got a PS Audio Power Plant 15 that I bought as demo from a dealer. The idea was to upgrade from Audioquest Niagara 1200. 
As soon as I hooked it up to my system ( Auralic Altair G1, Pass Labs Int-60, Audio Note J-Spe Speakers) I was robed of my beautiful midrange and the soundstage that was open and 3D holographic became 2D and receded to the back of the front wall. 
Did several a/b tests and it became ever so clear.
What could be going on? Obviously, changing from a 1K unit to a 7K unit one expect an improvement.
Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
The Power Plant thing is like any other piece of equipment- YMMV. Subjective "improvement".

I  instantly heard the opposite when I plugged a Power Plant in years ago. My 13 year old, PP Premier was recently refreshed by PS Audio and will go at least another 10 years. Best purchase I've made here on Agon.

I plug everything(including amp)into it with great results. 
I went from a Niagara 1200 to PS Audio P12 and the difference was stunningly improved.  I'm almost wondering if the OP is finding some levels of incoming THD euphonic in his system.  The P12 dropped incoming THD levels from 4% to 0.1% in my system.  The background became deeply black and quiet, particularly impactful with all my tube gear.
I can’t imagine what’s going on. The P15 has brought great improvement to my system too, especially with the performance of the DACs I have connected to it.
Break in... ? the op said it was a dealer demo, so it probably has many hours of playing time. But, it may need time to settle in its new environment. (perhaps a few hours).

I owned many iterations of PS Audio power conditioners, when I switched to the Niagara 7000 it was leap years better than PS Audio. Especially the fact that amps can be plugged into the Niagara! I now own in addition to the Niagara 7000 a 1200 that I use with my JL Subs and a 1000 that I use with my home theater equipment.

It could be that the P15 has a bad resistor or cap or some component that is limiting its capability.  Perhaps get another one and try it in the same system?