New Dynaudio Heritage Special..?..!

Does anyone know anything about these speakers?
just launched last week.
only 2500 made. $7000 or so in US.
Looks like an old Contour, but has all the components of the Confidence.
sounds like the ultimate monitor.

I have Special 40s and now am envious..😉

anyone hear anything?

Did some research. These will sell for about 3x the price of a pair of similar size Ohm Ls in 1978, adjusted for inflation.

Ohm provides full upgrades for every speaker they have ever made. You could upgrade a pair of Ohm Ls today for just a few hundred dollars and have something at least somewhat similar.

Just saying.....

I do have a partially upgraded pair of Ls that were one of my first good speakers I owned in 1978. They were my favorites at Tech HIFi back then at least among speakers reasonably sized that would fit in a dorm room. I preferred them over JBL, Advent, Infinity, and other popular brands of the day sold there. 
I hope Dynaudio goes back to building speakers that look like the Heritage.  Much better than all of their current designs.  My favorite  monitors that I owned from them are Craffts, Confidence 3, and Contour 1.3SE.  I stopped buying them after the C1s came out (they are imho one of the ugliest speakers I have ever seen).  People on here seem to forget raw Dynaudio drivers are really expensive.  The Heritage uses the drivers from the Evidence line, which I own.  Although $7K isn't pocket change, it can be considered a bargain compared to some other speakers out there.  
People on here seem to forget raw Dynaudio drivers are really expensive
No they are not unless they are made of pure gold and diamonds.