What kind of music do you like to hear the most?

What kind of music do you like to listen to? I like the melody of deep, gentle pop ballads. Here are the pop songs I usually listen to every day:
Ik Hou Van Mij – Tabitha
De Overkant – Suzan, Freek, Snelle
Oostenwind – Nick & Simon
Mostly jazz from the 50’s to early 60’s and classical, with a bit of classic rock thrown in for good measure. That said, my collection is rather eclectic and I do partake in other genres as the mood strikes. 
Wow...I had to stop and think a minute. Yes, as I get older I'm listening to classical music more often but I'm also educating myself with David Hurwitz's excellent You Tube channel. Tonight I started off with Charles Ives Symphony No 2, a piece I discovered 40 years ago, followed by Lou Harrison's Solstice Ballet, right now it's Joshua Redman's Walking Shadows....and I'm certain that there will be Sarah Jarosz's truly beautiful World On The Ground before I go to bed. The only thing I don't listen to much anymore is rock....but there is always time for Little Feat.
Old electronic/industrial (I'm over 60)
Listen to this on your Super Stereo (recommend not to loud - not to low)
Throbbing Gristle's 50 Jazz Funk Greats  
Hot On Heels of Love (Remastered)
a side note: The album cover photo is at the cliff famous for it's suicides

ebm -- Mickey Katz? Love the guy. I still have the Katz Pajamas LP (in stereo!) my dad gave me and my sister when we were kids. I have a 45 rpm single of the guy's Come On-A My House I salvaged from my dad's collection.  It's amazing how often Katz' craziness courses through my noggin.  Klezmer Music on Krack.