I recently obtained a used Pangea Audio
Premier Octet SE power distribution unit at a good price.
First cleaned all the outlet contacts.
Then, of course, I felt compelled to completely disassemble it to see what was
contained within the enclosure.
It was pretty heavy in it’s stock form.
The very heavy gauge copper wiring was very neatly laid out and the solder
joints were impressive. A first rate build!
I placed self sticking Noico auto noise absorbing material on any interior
surface which would accommodate it. Where possible, two layers thick.
I placed some self sticking Stillpoints ERS Paper on the bottom interior
surface facing the backs of the eight outlets. I also placed some ERS between
the sides of the outlets to further isolate them.
Reassembled the unit and placed some thick globs of Blu-Tack on the bottom.
Mashed it down to a 2” thick maple plinth which was isolated from the maple
rack with brass cones.
I plugged in my components and discovered that the plugs were held extremely
tightly in place by the outlets. I then snaked a long, 2” wide strip of ERS
paper around all the plugs to isolate them further.
Finally, placed a Shakti Stone above the plugs/wires.
I fired up the system and after an hour warmup, sat down for some critical listening.
I’ll just cut to the chase and state that the Bass and Treble was greatly
The Midrange was moderately improved. The sound stage and imaging was
moderately improved.
I was pleasantly surprised by such obvious positive changes and can recommend
this product if you’re willing to put some effort into tweaking it.
I neglected to document this effort with pictures. My bad. It's too painful to drag it out of it's confined spot, disassemble, take pics, reassemble and then put it back in place. (got leg cramps doing it the first time)
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