Streamer's without built in DAC options?

What options other than Auralic offer DAC free streamer options? Price up to $5-6k or less.
Would be used with Mola Mola Tambaqui and Roon Nucleus
You won’t regret going with a Bryston BDP2 or BDP3 player “made in Canada”. The software is a bit clunky but functional.
I've tried many streamers: Lumin, Auralic, Naim, etc. I didn't like them. For me, the best option was this setup from small green computers:  sonicTransporter i5 (Gen 3) – Small Green Computer and  Signature Rendu SE optical Level II – Small Green Computer
Absolutely the best of all I tried.

Good luck!
How come no one mentioned the dCS network bridge?

it isn’t a streamer, you to stream to it, not from it

I also see many recommendations for streamers that aren’t Roon servers. assuming the OP wants a Roon server given he is using a Nucleus,

of course.. given the very vague stated needs, we don’t really know
It doesn't matter to me whether suggestions offered need or don't need the Nucleus in the system. I have it if needed. Or like the ZENith mkIII I can demo without it. So, suggestions are not limited to whether or not it needs the Nucleus in the chain. Its easily removed or put back