Streamer's without built in DAC options?

What options other than Auralic offer DAC free streamer options? Price up to $5-6k or less.
Would be used with Mola Mola Tambaqui and Roon Nucleus
It doesn't matter to me whether suggestions offered need or don't need the Nucleus in the system. I have it if needed. Or like the ZENith mkIII I can demo without it. So, suggestions are not limited to whether or not it needs the Nucleus in the chain. Its easily removed or put back

I’ve had an Ayre DAC and have updated it since 2011. I recently called Ayre and spoke with them because I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on technology that will change in a years time. I was told that they use a Melco but have had tested, and with good results, many various components including a MacBook Pro. I ended up buying the Bryston BDP Pi, added a linear power supply and so far, haven’t found anything objectionable. Yes, it uses a Raspberry Pi for its processor but the way it’s implemented is critical. Also, the streamer and the DAC are interdependent. I’m betting that for streaming, my biggest improvements will be from adding the Uptone Audio Ether Regen and the Network Acoustics filter. In other words, spending money on usb cable, power cable, switches and noise filters, etc..., you may come out ahead better than if you were to sink all of your cash into one component. Just a thought.