Any Bluesound Node2 owners

                   I picked up a used Node2, my hope is to get decent sound out of tidal MQA. Maybe some setup tips if ya got any, it arrives on monday, thank.

Geez, the guy doesn't even have it yet and you're all telling him to go out and buy power cords, magic cables and expensive DACs before he's even heard it!  Do we have any idea what the rest of his system is?  Is it good enough to resolve all the magic stuff he needs to add to it?  It's fun to spend other people's money.

To the OP, listen to it for a while and make sure that the streaming experience is for you.  If you enjoy the Node 2 and find that sonically it's not as good as the rest of your components, don't waste your money trying to polish a turd.  Not that it's a turd, it's not, but it's only capable of so much. 

Get something better.  For what you'd spend getting an external DAC and fancy magic cables that may or may not make any difference in your system, you can get a much better streamer / DAC.  There are streamers from Lumin, TEAC, and others that will outperform the Node 2 + a DAC.  

I know because I've been down both paths.  Adding a better DAC can improve the sound quality, but it will only take it so far.  I noticed zero difference using more expensive power cords and interconnects. 

Buying a better streamer / DAC (in my case the TEAC NT-505) took things to a much higher level than any add-ons I tried with the Node 2, which include using an Auralic VEGA as the DAC (originally a $3500 DAC), and the DAC in my Sony TA-ZH1ES headphone amp which is also very good.

I'm not sure why people seem to think that the streamer itself doesn't matter in terms of sound quality.  Why not just get a Roku or use your smart TV to stream into a $2000 DAC?

I do agree that if you can, hard wire it.  I also agree that MQA is a bit hyped and prefer Qobuz' hi-res files over MQA.

Big Greg,
    Ur killin me, i laughed for awhile at your post :0)
    I got it wired LAN. Zero’d out tone controls, she’s glowing blue and my Eero router says its connected!
    Im streaming LedZepplin Presence MQA and my first impression is a much quieter noise floor, it just seems quieter and the music “fuller”
   My system is a Denon x4300 receiver as a prepro. My amps are (7) Outlaw mono m200’s. My mains are a DIY design clone AerialAcoustic CC3 from HT guide, dual 8” woofs, 6”mid 1”dome, all DaytonAudio, XO are poly caps aircore inductors and one iron core on the 8’s. For all aluminum drivers they are really sweet, i XO to quad 15” AdireTumults sealed, actually the whole system is sealed.

     It’s primarily its a 7.1.4  HT rig, with decay times in the bass area of under 20-25ms. First reflection points are 4” OC 703 panels. All other parallel walls have wood diffusers i think 2D also DIY
The Node 2 is really good on its own for its price point, especially if you got a good deal used.  I still have one that I use in my bedroom.  Enjoy!
Since im using analog connection to my Denon which is the way I usually check sampling rates ect. Can i check output using the Node’s app ?? Just to be sure im choosing the right MQA. As of now its Tidal, i may do a free trial on Qobuz
What made a big difference on my Node 2i was the purchase of a 2 meter Supra CAT 8+ ethernet cable from eBay seller zendada.  Total cost including shipping only $59.  If you go this route only buy from him, as the only other seller when I purchased mine was in England and shipping would have been about $20 extra and three weeks.

Also, zendada is taking a bit of advertising license calling it 8+, as it is really a CAT 8 cable.  As mentioned, this made a big difference for the better in my system.  Give it a day to break in as for the first few hours it was very dry sounding then opened up nicely.

I am using a modded Museatex DAC designed by Meitner with my 2i.  But for my type of listening, which rather than intense short sessions is all day long as background music, the internal DAC was not unpleasant.  I do like the 2i fantastic operating app, customer service and world of music it opens up..