Where will be hi-end audio in 2050?

any thoughts on that?
Or for a good soundtrack and visuals rent or buy "Brazil". You also get a little of "Bob" on the side in a bit part.
PS: But definitely do not rent "A ClockWork Orange" to answer this question.
we will have implants in our brains and we will only have to think of a song and it will pay in our heads.of course it will be analog and not digital.....:)
Dekay everyone knows the future will be like "Gattaca" the no too distant future...with genomic technolgy being were it is I think it may effect audio you will be able to order a child with super hearing:-)
Tireguy: I want a doctor, a laywer and an Indian chief (gaming you know). This will free up more money for my gear (just call me selfish in the future).