Benchmark DAC 3B Vs. Schiit Gungnir Multibit and a question.

I currently am using the Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.  I’m thinking of switching to the Benchmark DAC 3B.  Does anyone have any experience or opinions with regard to both these products? I already have a Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier and would think the DAC would be a good match.  The description of the Benchmark DAC says it’s designed to work directly with an amplifier.  I’ve been using the Gungnir with a CJ preamp until now. Question is, is there still a benefit to using a good preamp with the Benchmark DAC?
What is really surprising to me  that my Oppo 101 is sounding better than the Gungy in many cases. Shouldn’t be happening.
I am a bit confused. I tried looking up the Oppo and it seems to be a unit that plays back video and audio. There seems to be no way to separate the transport from the included DAC.
Is this correct?
Looking at the manual, there seems to be a setting on the remote for
'Pure Audio Mode'.
You’re right, there is no way to separate the transport from the built-in DAC.
The pure audio mode simply turns the video off during audio playback.
what I’m saying is that the Oppo player by itself is sounding better than the Gungy/transport combination.

I have both a Schiit Gungnir Multibit and two Benchmark DACs in three different systems. In one, a Benchmark DAC2 is connected directly to a Parasound amp. Sounds great (the DAC does have volume control however), but not near as good as my Benchmark DAC into a McIntosh MA252. The Schitt Gungnir feeds a Rogue Pharaoh. 

Both Benchmark DACs are better sounding than the Schiitt. More resolution, wider range. 

You cannot go wring with Benchmark.

I previosly owned the A1 version of the Yggdrasil and now using the Benchmark DAC3L.
The DAC3L is much superior in clarity and neutrality.