CD player in the $2,500 to $5,000 range

I sold my old system (Bryston, MG 3.6r, Oracle Delphi, Parasound CD player) and have been working on putting together a simpler and smaller system. With advice from others on Audiogon, I bought a lovely pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, and a Cary SLI-80 Signature. Now I need to pick a CD player.

I listen to primarily piano music, opera, and chamber music (plus a smattering of jazz, from time-to-time). I don't give a darn about the "hi-fi experience." Grain free, no fatigue, timber accuracy, is what I value.

I'm thinking:

Ayre CX-7e
Meridian G08
Marantz SA 11s1

Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If you don't want SACD I would seriously consider maximizing redbook with a redbook only player. Of the players you have listed I have heard the G08 and thought it great. Others have recommended some nice players as well. I agree with everyone who is suggesting to go with the companies who offer you the opportunity to demo players in your own system for 30 days. Lot more to gain than to lose with that.

If you decide you want SACD I would spend a lot of money on a really good DAC and buy a decent SACD player (used) as the transport.
"Yes, I ... have owned over 35 sources in the past 2 years. These are my personal favorites."

If you are so inclined, and haven't done so elsewhere, would you please list the 35 plus sources you have owned in the past two years, and if you feel like it, some brief comments about your impressions of them? Of course everyone has different tastes, but I think I (and others) could benefit greatly from your experience. I haven't been able to audition anything like this many, much less own them.
Based on my conversations with Steve, I'll bet he can't even REMEMBER all the sources he's had :)

I got one of his cast offs a year ago and I'm still in love with it!
If you choose to go with Pardales idea for SACD, I'd get the Sony XA777ES or most of the others. Right now you can get a deal on them. They all have tremendous SACD sound, and make great transports. Then just add a DAC for redbook and you'll have the best of both worlds. Otherwise Ayre, Opus 21, etc. listed above if you are just interested in RB.
I'm a classical and opera lover who found the Resolution Audio Opus 21 lacking in dynamics for large scale music (opera & symphonic). Sorry, RA lovers, IMO it's a decent player but I just didn't like it. As always, YMMV.
With your speakers and musical preference, I suggest you audition the Cary 303/300, the ARC CD3, Lector CD 7T, Ayre CX 7-e, Musical Fidelity A5, used Audio Aero Capiotle Mk II, used Cary 306/200 and a demo Cary 306/300 (which also plays SACD). The Linn Ikemi can be a fine player in the right system (it needs a lively preamp/combo) so audition it before you purchase. I don't think the Marantz holds up compared to the above players. While I haven't heard the G08, past experience with this manufacturer's digital gear tells me Meridian is always worth a listen.

I haven't heard enough of the modded universal/SACD players to have a specific rec on them except someone whose ears I trust loves his Esoteric DV-50. I would caution that - except for the Cary 306 and megabuck options - RB on most unmodded SACD/universal players is not nearly as good as RB on the stand-alone CDPs mentioned above. (This includes the Sonys.) Modded players are another kettle of fish already. If you have mostly CDs, I'd suggest you not sacrifice RB quality for SACD capability.

If you win the lottery the Reimyo CD777 will deliver your heart's desire in spades ;-)

You have some very nice speakers. Don't go for flavor du jour digital. Take your time so you will hear what those SF's are famous for.