Your story is so much different than ours.We started with a Node 2i, hooked up to my (ahem) Marantz AV receiver. Control was great through my PC, my Android phone, and my wife's ipad. My wife, not as much of a techie, really liked it. Then we added a Powernode 2i, such a simple sound system! Then we added a Mini 2i in my wife's hobby room. These were all easy to add, and worked very well. These are all wired, but I did experiment with wireless in a detached room and that worked fine as well.
Others have had good troubleshooting questions. If wireless, a good newish router seems key. Is all the firmware and software up to the latest? Good luck, I really hope you can make this work out.
Others have had good troubleshooting questions. If wireless, a good newish router seems key. Is all the firmware and software up to the latest? Good luck, I really hope you can make this work out.