Really!! DSD Police now?If it ain't Georgie boy @georgehifi. You need to get a life man....doing something creative instead of replying to 7 year old threads.
Police eh? I will tell you what policing is - it is jumping on each and every "Class D amplifier" thread and crying out on top of your lungs and saying that they are bad. Most regulars here know that you almost certainly derail those threads. You don't have a positive contributions on those threads and simply copy-pasting what Nelson Pass said. You shoot by placing a gun on someone else's shoulder. Constantly nagging about how bad Class D is. And then questioning my response and calling it "DSD Police".
The poster before me indicate that DSD did nothing special for him. I simply suggested that he stay away from that. I never said negative about PCM or R2R, where as your response talks negative about DSD. Sometimes in life, try to be positive OR don't respond. If people are happy about DSD - so be it.
Bloke, looks like you have tons of time on your hand to kill. Do something creative. Good luck with your life!