Ampeg Reverberocket 212 Reissue or Fender Hot Rod Deluxe?

I am in search for a used tube amp and I am between these 2. I will probably will not have the ability to try them out or compare them by myself so I thought to try here and see if anyone had any experience with these two.

Hot rod will probably be version III though if i could find the IV for a reasonable price I would buy it instantly.

Price for each is around 400 to 500 euros.

Just curious to see to which one you would give the edge and why.



When I saw Little Village live, Ry Cooder had a whole stack of about 7-8 vintage combo amps---Fenders, a Gibson, a Silvertone I believe, all mic’ed up. Best live guitar tone I’ve ever heard, and his playing was pretty good too ;-) The most interesting amp I ever accompanied was the legendary Magnetone, used by some of the Blues players in the 50's and 60's, and by Jimmy Vaughan I’ve been told.

I had a 1966 Ampeg Reverbrocket with just one 12" CTS speaker. It had a pair of 7591's PP for 30 watts. Loud but manageable! 
Geek out on

HR Deluxe is a cool amp.

65 Deluxe Reverb reissue here. It has been dropped, drinks spilled on it, the tolex is ripped, but it CRANKS! 22 watts with no headroom problem with a ham fisted drummer.

Probably just in my head, but a genuine tubed reverb circuit just sounds right compared to what the HR Deluxe units have-SS.     

It's the player, not the gear. But when get a sound you like, you play more.