Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?
This can be a really divisive subject. Political too.

I remember when I used to play competitive chess, someone would ask why aren't there more women GMs and why isn't there a woman world champion? etc.

Some still do.

It seems to bother a few journalists that the top 100, maybe even top 1000 chess geeks are mostly comprised of men. It all got so thorny that FIDE had to ensure there are now 2 different world championships, the women's world championship, and the open world championship.

Once again, you might want to ask, why can't we be different? Why is there this need for some to want to homogenise clear biological differences?

Thankfully this lunacy doesn't yet extend to combat sports or track and field.

I've nothing against encouraging more women to participate in this mainly male hobby. Their company would surely be welcomed, especially to ease the pressure cooker intensity at some of these testosterone fuelled audio shows.

However in my experience hardly any of them have shown much interest. To push further usually just means digging a bigger hole.

Even the ones who do go, often reluctant wives and girlfriends, seem to act as if they wished they were somewhere else.

How strange? It's almost as if they were somehow different, and had different interests.
I am shocked that they separate women into separate chess tournaments @cd318.  

So @audio2design, are you saying the average IQ of a man is higher, but the median is higher for a woman? Interesting.... Thanks for the facts, although some of them would seem hard to measure....gullibility, overestimate their ability...?Be careful with some statistics and how surveys are worded. Many times they are designed with the end result in mind to prove some thesis. 

Of course there are biological differences that cause physical, mental and emotional capabilities to vary. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, right? Never read the book...but I can guess what is says.

Why does it bother journalists that women don't have as many highly rated chess players? Maybe they don't like it as much and don't play.

I don't think my wife has ever stepped foot in a stereo store. But, I am sure some women like them. I can't recall a stereo saleswoman though.
Average IQ is very similar, I think it may be a touch higher for volume. There are far fewer women at the ends of the curve. So while there are fewer women at the upper peaks of intelligence, there are also few women at the very bottom end as well. Less genetic variance.

I don't think overestimating ability would be that hard to measure. Gullibility either.
You quoted it as fact. How was it studied or measured, (gullibility and overestimating one’s ability) to lead to those conclusions? Sounds anecdotal to me. With the same IQ you can be sceptic or gullible in some activities or aspect of life, in particular or in general....Personality traits or personal history is not linked to measured intelligence.... Intelligence or stupidity is not linked to a hobby, even to the audiophile hobby, and being an engineer is not a warrenty against gullibility in audio at all because audio is a complex phenomenon linked to many different sciences and dimensions that may exceed the limit of expertise of a particular engineer... This is very simple evidence....

IQ means little anyway.....And i dont think that men and women can be distinguished by different location on a Bell curve of IQ distribution....

Universe dont comply to statistical laws anyway even the thermodynamical one because universe is not only allegedly "dead" matter like we know it.....Prime numbers distribution and galaxies ignore them at the end...Life ultimately dont obey statistic and cannot be reduced to statistic....

For example we use statistic to study prime numbers distribution because we are ignorant of the ultimate reason behind their distribution....Recent work in this field explode the powerful statistical method in his capacity to explain their distribution....It seems that prime numbers had biases like life had bias..... All that are in the sky then are not only rain or light....