Are Shakti Stones effective?

I have never used Shakti Stones and wonder if they really work and, if so, what do they do,  I have used the Shakti Holographs and found them to magically focus the sound and tighten the soundstage. From what I have heard, even from Shakti, is that the stones make a significant difference is some usage and less in other. Has anyone used these and what do they do?
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How does one calculate the optimum weight for a Shakti stone? Is it the inversely exponential value of the delta of the compliance of the top cover of the CD transport?
Perhaps an unabridged Shakti reference manual (hard bound, of course) could be placed on top, in lieu of a phonebook.
Yes beyond any doubt and proven by my personal experience. If you take one of these and face the top side down and hurl it just right I have found I get more skips across the pond than any other stone I have used. I think the electronics help stabilize it's flight path and while I can't explain the deep science behind these I can vouch for their effective use.