adcom equipment.....

this might have been posted before, but has anyone heard or know anything about the new adcom line.  that, 575se model intrigues me at that price point.

So the 565SE came in a little bit early and I’ve been burning it in.  I have about 6 hours on it so far.  This amp is the little brother to the 575SE, according to Adcom.  Same topology which differs from the 555 SE AND MS, and I’ve had both of those. 

But the 565 is a different animal for sure.  It feels like the power is limitless compared to the 555 MS, and the sound is starting to come into its own.  Female vocals are a high point already!  I’d like to put 50 hours on it and then we’ll see if it’s most of the way there.

My speakers are recent too, some energy CF-70 that I got for a song on Black Friday.  They are not the equal of my Tannoys and Totems, but can handle the 250 wpc, and do bass pretty well.  More to come...
Remember visiting my brother in law in 1992 or 1993, in orland park, Il.  A small very nice shop “simply stereo”
ran by two of the most relaxed and nice guys, mike and joe.
   Knowledgeable and straight shooters, no push to buy, auditioned for me everything I asked.

 Had the adcom mono blocks hooked to the klipsch corner horns, that was bad, searing highs, bad!
 Switched to a pair of paradigm towers, and it was great!

 Choose wisely!

 Enjoy the hunt. 
 I would try them, do they have a trial, 30 days or something?
find out.
if u don’t like them, return.

I always wanted those adcom amps, but $ was my issue.      Ended up buying the onkyo m504, which i blew up,a few years later.
As far as I know, there is a dealer that has an ad on audiogon that offers a money back guarantee if you don’t like the amp.  I’m not going to give them a plug though, it’s easy enough to find the dealer.

At the end of the 80’s I remember drooling over Adcom adverts in the Stereo Review magazine, but I was a poor student and never saw them on the shelf until I bought my first in 2000.  I loved that amp...
BTW, if anyone is curious about the bigger 575SE, it has a total of 132,000 micro farads, which is pretty crazy.  Also, 24 matched output transistors and several other meaningful upgrades over my 565SE like a true balanced input stage and auto turn on options. 
At 350 wpc, you’ll want to have some serious speakers to do it justice.  Here’s a link if you want to get a better look.  Over 80 lbs.

As mentioned earlier, I've been running in the 565SE, and as of now have about 25 hours on it.  The new speakers have a little more, at 40 hours, so it's a little bit of an experiment trying to evaluate both at the same time.

The the way, if any are wondering about the validity of burning in new components, it certainly is a controversial topic and I don't mean to stir up anything, but I have found it beneficial in speakers.

As for amplifiers, my results have been more subtle.  I've read that capacitors need to break in.  In fact, they can view trace lines appear under the microscope of internal parts of caps.  I can't find a link of that right now, but with 4 18,000 micro farad caps in this amp, it can't hurt.

I have heard improvements so far as the soundstage has become more real, and the speakers have begun to disappear as it were.  Also vocals have become more transparent.

Anyway, maybe by next weekend I'll do some serious listening.